
Jam Pack Bag Pack Campaign for Jamaica
Fifteen years ago as a grade 5 student I use to collect used backpacks, wash them and give to my classmates. I saw the need to help my classmates in any way possible as a student. Few years ago I attended a church that would assist families living in the community by donating backpacks to children who were going back to school. After participating in the church back -to- school event, I was encouraged to start my own campaign to help low income families living in my home country Jamaica. As a result, I started this campaign called Jam Pack Bag Pack campaign for Jamaica. As the name suggested the campaign is to pack bags, make it Jam pack as in fully pack with school supplies and stationaries to send to families living in Jamaica to reduce the financial expense of sending back their children back to school. I am therefore asking everyone to make back to school dream a reality for children, single parent families, low income families who want to send their children back to school so that the can be educated and overcome poverty. Thank you for making this dream a reality for parents who can’t afford a back pack for back to school.

Please contribute by going to the donation page, thank you. “Your donation will enable a child’s education”.